A non-profit organization dedicated to informing, educating, and improving the surety industry in the state of Oregon.

Our membership is comprised of surety industry professionals including insurance agents/brokers, surety underwriters, attorneys, CPAs, construction specialists, and others with an active involvement in our industry.

Membership Benefits

As a member of the SAO, you will increase your exposure to other professionals involved in all areas of surety practice. Along with growing your network, you will have immediate notification of important industry news and updates to keep you informed. Membership dues are $175 annually and extend to all active employees of your organization.

Events include an annual golf tournament and a holiday banquet. We also aim to hold quarterly networking or educational events to discuss economic changes, contract and statutory law, accounting standards, federal and state tax changes, etc.

  • Educate and inform our members and the community about issues related to corporate suretyship

  • Monitor legislative or other regulatory activity and, when appropriate, take steps to influence its outcome

  • Promote an awareness and understanding of the benefits of corporate suretyship.

Our Mission